How “Sciencey” Does Science Fiction Need To Be?

Many here strongly believe that the science in science fiction should be firmly grounded in reality. They are devotees of what’s called hard sci-fi, which emphasizes technical detail and scientific rigor. If you’ve read Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke or Catherine Asaro, you’ve read hard sci-fi. Andy Weir’s “The Martian” is a recent example.

The Startup For Warehoused Hollywood Scripts

“Adaptive controls the intellectual property across all media, and uses the books to promote the films, which it hopes in turn will help book sales. The novels also offer a relatively inexpensive way to market-test high-concept stories — those with a simple, basic hook — and build an audience for a new franchise, Adaptive’s executives say.”

The Struggle Is Real: Theatre Artists With Disabilities Want To Find More Of A Place Onstage

“I think my community has been really excited. The response has been like, ‘It’s time!’ It’s 2016 and it’s time for us to be represented onstage and to be given these kinds of opportunities. I’ve received a lot of messages and letters from younger people with disabilities and they’re saying, ‘I never thought that Broadway is possible, but now it is.’ And that’s really exciting.”