Les Paul At 93

Like his close collaborator, Leo Fender, Les Paul is best known for the electric guitar he created. If the Fender Stratocaster is the edgy workhorse of the rock industry, the Gibson Les Paul was and remains its elegant rival, its richly varnished mahogany body and oyster-shell fingerboard adding a touch of class to a rough-hewn affair. But there’s much more to Paul than a lump of wood with a cherry-burst finish: he’s also a consummate musician

Just What Is The Point Of A Poet Laureate?

“The poet laureate is charged with bringing poetry to the forefront of the American consciousness, as well as playing consultant to the Library of Congress — which includes giving a reading at the beginning of the term and a lecture or reading at end of term, organizing monthly readings and overseeing the Library’s poetry fellowships and prizes. And, of course, he or she should continue to write poems. Sounds simple enough. Still, many laureates have found the demands of the position overwhelming.”

The Getty’s Garden-As-Art, Ten Years Later

“After walking this landscape once a month for a decade, watching it change, noting every plant and responding with his artist’s eye, Robert Irwin quietly retired this year, ending his role as shepherd of what he has long called ‘sculpture in the form of a garden.’ It’s a milestone for a garden long marked by controversy. Initially, many asked: Why choose an artist without garden experience? Why combine plants so unconventionally?”