Ben Jonson Is Better Than Shakespeare! (Says This Scholar)

Andrew Hadfield: “Until the end of the 17th century, Jonson was generally regarded as the greatest dramatist in English, but since then he has not received his due. A heavy man, he did not wear his learning lightly, and suffered as a result, being seen as a pedantic, over-stuffed author. But he is a delight to see on stage or to read. He is clever, lucid, rude and very funny – much funnier than Shakespeare, in fact.”

LA Gets A New Central Park

“The $56-million Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles, the first phase of which will open this weekend, is an attempt to rewrite that civic story line, to create — perhaps for the first time since the heyday of Pershing Square in the years before World War II — a central gathering spot, in the heart of downtown, for all of dizzyingly diverse L.A. County.”

Two Approaches To Killing Public Free Speech

“Remember back when large public events were also the locus of large public protest? As we stare down the barrel of the Olympic Games and the two national political conventions this summer, it’s fair to say that free speech has been reduced to a mere wheeze, both in the United Kingdom and here in the USA. What are truly interesting are the differences between the two: The British are buying up free speech and the Americans are zoning it out.”