How Parents Can Spark A Life Of The Mind

“Explaining all the way, my father introduced his children to Shakespeare, play by play, as well as to classic Westerns. He explained each and every joke in each and every Gilbert and Sullivan operetta (“You shall sit, if he sees reason, through the grouse and salmon season!”). He read aloud an astonishing number of the works of P.G. Wodehouse, explaining the jokes, however inappropriate.”

Stage Actors Must Fall In Love, Instantly, Performance After Performance

After a long rehearsal and a lot of planning, actors know how to substitute themselves for the characters (mostly without creating problems for the actors themselves). They can be “clear about drawing distinctions between performance and life. Ms. Grant believes in ‘really healthy, strong boundaries,’ she said, and as Mr. Hernandez put it,’This is literally my job. I went to school for it. I’m not skeezing on anybody. It is in the text.’ No carnal appetite here.”

Rock Musician Alice Cooper Finds A Long-Lost Andy Warhol In A Tube In A Storage Locker

Yes, that headline sounds like word salad, but it’s real: “The work in question is a red Little Electric Chair silkscreen, from Warhol’s Death and Disaster series. Never stretched on a frame, it sat in storage alongside touring artefacts including an electric chair that Cooper used in the early 70s as part of his ghoulish stage show.”