A Plan To Stockpile Art In Beijing

“The Chinese government plans to turn Beijing into a key art hub in Asia by building an 83,000 sq. m freeport next to the Beijing Capital International Airport scheduled for completion late 2013. Officials hope that the vast storage facility, which is expected to be tax exempt, will encourage collectors and corporations to stockpile their art in Beijing.”

In An Online World All Art Is “Live”

“For decades, TV writing was a solitary pursuit, the writers alone in a room. Social media has transformed it. The process is now more like playing in a live band, with an audience cheering, booing, and hollering out requests. This is true across the cultural waterfront. As artists in all media go social–from novelists to painters to musicians–the very practice of their craft is becoming public.”

Martin Amis: Beyond Post-Modernism

“Postmodernism had, I think, tremendous predictive power–it predicted how the world was going to be. Now even a politician will talk about, how am I going to spin this. It’s all knowing, and wised up, and confessedly wised up, in a way that it didn’t used to be, before. But as a genre it was naturally kind of disappearing up its own ass.”