Actress Natasha Parry, 84, Wife And Collaborator Of Peter Brook

“Her career was inescapably defined by her marriage, at the age of 20, to the director Peter Brook, with whom she worked many times in productions of Shakespeare, Chekhov, Anouilh and Beckett. She was also a vital part of Brook’s experimental, theatrical work in Paris, Persia (as Iran then was) and the villages of Africa. But Parry also had an independent career in films that marked her out as a fine screen actor.”

‘An Evening in the Theater (Patti LuPone Just Stole My F@#king Cell Phone)’

That’s the title of a song – written from the point of view of that unwise woman in the audience – recently posted to YouTube by composer Robert Maggio and lyricist Matthew Hardy. “I hope she doesn’t open my iTunes / My recording of Gypsy is Bernadette / And my Evita is Madonna / If she sees it, she’ll be really upset.”

Reality TV Plus Gender Transition Equals A Surprisingly Thoughtful Show About Caitlyn Jenner

But of course, it’s still (deeply) manipulative: “Performance isn’t inherently bad — even documentaries are works of artifice. But when the mission is to humanize a group of people, credibility counts. Jenner, at one point, wonders whether some of her kids and stepkids haven’t yet visited her because they secretly disapprove of her transition. But the viewer may wonder right back at her whether their absence was planned, so that emotional meet-and-greets could later take place on camera.”

The World Of Competitive Music Lessons For Kids

“Music, at least in terms of noodling around on the piano, strumming a guitar or trying out new things on the violin, actually hardly features in the struggle. Typically, this is all about grades, age and a formal classical instrument, a trio which is locked together in a pressurised algorithm calculated to result in a place at a youth orchestra or decent secondary school.”