The Final Chapter In Billy Wilder’s Filmmaking Career (Did You Know It Lasted Into The 1980s?)

“In the last 20 years of his life, Wilder (who died in 2002) managed the unlikely feat of being both revered and ignored. … There came a point after his final two movies, Fedora (1978) and Buddy Buddy (1981), when Hollywood simply stopped financing his work. … He went every day to his office in Beverly Hills to work on projects that would never be made.”

Is The Internet Really One Giant Art Project?

“The magic of the Internet — the recession of the material world in favor of a world of ideas — is not pure delight. It seems we are missing something very worthwhile and identity-forming from our predigital lives. Is it a handwritten letter? Is it an analog phone call? Is it a quality of celluloid film, a multivolume encyclopedia, or a leather-bound datebook? Is it a way of thinking or being or even falling in love?”

Computers: The Worst Thing Ever For Spy Movies

“Watching somebody type on a computer is about as interesting, aesthetically and dramatically, as watching cows eat grass. Though at least grass-eating cows would be a change from routine, unlike computers, which many of us type on all day. This seems especially ridiculous when it’s Hollywood stars doing the typing.”