Bill Loud, 97, Father Of The (Literal) First Family Of Reality TV

An American Family, a PBS series created by filmmaker Craig Gilbert, chronicled the Loud family of Santa Barbara, Calif. — Bill, Pat and their five children — for seven tumultuous months. … In the course of the series, the family home almost burned down in a wildfire, the children, ranging in age from 13 to 20, tested their freedom, and Bill and Pat struggled with a marriage that unraveled to the breaking point — all in full view and judgment of the world.”

Why Are Humans So Obsessed With Labyrinths?

Maybe because we think they’re like our brains or our pasts: “For Sigmund Freud, the unconscious resembled the dark corridors and hidden places of a labyrinth. Navigating the chaos of that maze – achieving mastery over it, mapping it, finding one’s way out of it – was the work of psychoanalysis, he told an interviewer in 1927.”

The Secrets Of Hollywood – At Least Gay And Bisexual Hollywood – Get Revealed In A New Movie

True: “Though Hollywood is now seen (sometimes unfavorably) as a liberal bastion, it wasn’t always that way. For lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, life in Hollywood up until the early 1990s — and perhaps, in some ways, still today — was a game of smoke and mirrors, hiding parts of themselves in public for fear of losing their jobs, being harassed by the police or worse.” That’s why Scotty Bowers pimped for the queer men and women of Hollywood for years.

A Broadway Show Actor Commits Suicide Six Days After A Brutal Meeting With The Director, And The Cast Is Reeling

“However complex the causes of Mr. Loeffelholz’s death may be, widespread discussion of his final rehearsal has brought new attention to the way theatrical creative teams wield power in an era of increasing concern about how managers treat subordinates in the workplace.” In other words, there’s a lot – a lot – of bullying on Broadway.