Top Posts From AJBlogs 07.29.15

AftA Thoughts 2015: Self-Perpetuating Boards
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2015-07-29

Now This, For A Big Museum, Would Be Experimental
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-07-29

Philbrook Museum Director Randall Suffolk Gets High (Museum, that is)
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-07-29

An Oxymoronically Postminimalist Improviser
AJBlog: PostClassic Published 2015-07-29

An indefatigable operagoer
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2015-07-29<

Tate Britain Names New Director

Alex Farquharson is the choice. “The 45-year-old founded the £20m Nottingham Contemporary in 2009 with an exhibition of David Hockney’s work from the 1960s. That same year he was on the selection committee for the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, where the UK was represented by 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen. In its first five years, Nottingham Contemporary has attracted more than a million visitors.”

Peter Brook Returns To Mahabharata For New Theatre Piece

The director and his colleagues who wrote and staged the nine-hour production that toured the world in the 1980s have returned to the ancient Indian epic for a work titled Battlefield. The four-actor staging opens in September at Brook’s longtime venue, the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord in Paris, and will tour to London, three cities in Italy, Amiens in France, Singapore, Tokyo, and Hong Kong.