The Hushed-up Human Cost Of Beijing’s Olympics

“A peasant-labour force of 1.3m has worked on 7,000-odd giant construction sites that have killed, in a hushed-up way, between 2,000 and 3,000 migrant workers a year. As for the city’s residents, Beijing’s average life expectancy is now well below the national average, thanks to smog and urban stress. So much for the promised clean, green ‘People’s Olympics’.”

Booker Judge Feels Your Pain

One of the novelists who’s serving as a judge for this year’s Man Booker prize says that, while she believes the long list of finalists is a strong one, she understands the frustration that always seems to follow the announcement. “The longer the list, the greater the implied insult. Don’t those judges realise how hard you have worked?”

Obama Forced To Disavow Rap Song

Presidential contender Barack Obama has strongly condemned a song by rap star Ludacris which refers to President Bush as “mentally handicapped” and also takes shots at John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Obama has met with Ludacris in the past, and praised him in a Rolling Stone interview earlier this year.

X-Rays Reveal Lost Van Gogh

“A new X-ray technique has revealed a previously unknown portrait of a woman by Vincent van Gogh, which was painted over by the artist… The powerful X-ray bombardment caused atoms in the picture’s layers of paint to emit “fluorescent” X-rays of their own, which indicated the chemicals they originated from. That enabled a colour map of the hidden picture to be produced.”