Toronto Symphony CEO Resigns, Apparently From Exhaustion

As the board chairman’s announcement put it, “With the greatest reluctance I have accepted Andrew’s decision to retire later this year.” Andrew Shaw “is the guy who is largely credited with saving the TSO from disaster after its near-death crisis in 2001, when bankruptcy and scandal loomed, and the entire board of directors had to resign.”

US Bureau Of Economic Analysis Tweaks GDP Calculation To Include Movies, Intellectual Property

“For example, the production costs of what the B.E.A., a part of the Commerce Department, calls “long-lived TV shows” — ones that provide a steady stream of income, like “Seinfeld” reruns — will for the first time be counted as investment. That’s right — the ultimate show about nothing will now add billions to G.D.P.”

San Antonio Symphony CEO Leaves After Only Three Months

“The San Antonio Symphony on Wednesday said its president and CEO, Jack Downey, has left after less than three months on the job following a budget dispute with organization’s board chairman. … Downey’s departure and [David] Green’s interim role means the symphony’s top administrative position has been held by four different people since late November.”