Did Zeus Exist?

“The standard line of thought seems to be that we have no evidence at all for his existence and so have every right to deny it. … But back in the day (say, 500-400 B.C.), there would seem to have been considerable evidence, enough in any case to make his reality unquestioned among most members of a rapidly advancing Greek civilization” – even as that civilization developed philosophy and metaphysics.

The Frontiers Of Dance Are Not Where They Used To Be

“There’s a fresh infusion of dance happening in New York, and while not all of the young choreographers working will rise to the top — they never do — they are trying to expand the notions of dance while, at the same time, honoring it. They haven’t abandoned dance for the hazy category of performance; I get the feeling that, for them, performance is part of the dance umbrella, not the other way around.”

How The Internet Killed The Thrill Of Discovering The Obscure

” Music used to be a secret, hidden by the barriers of nation and region and history, and you could prove that you could feel a sense of knowledge or at least discovery by finding out what was on the other side of that (not necessarily large) hillock over there. Now all the hillocks are leveled, or at least the internet elevates us so that we can look over them anytime we want.”

Sarasota Orchestra And City At Odds Over Hall Renovations

“The orchestra wants to finish renovations before its season starts in September. The city manager wants Sarasota to have a reputation of being easy to work with. City attorneys want to protect Sarasota financially from unpaid work or incomplete projects. Those goals have landed the three at a standoff over changes to the Sarasota Orchestra’s Beatrice Friedman Symphony Center.”