How Did Alan Gilbert Land The NY Phil?

Norman Lebrecht: “What got him the job was youth – 40 in podium terms is post-pubescent – and insiders suggest that he would not have stood much chance before the Dudamel breakthrough. Whether Gilbert can turn a brilliant orchestra into an interesting one remains to be seen. What is certain, though, is that from now on orchestral conductors are, like policemen, going to be looking a whole lot younger.”

Afghans Have A New Addiction: TV

Under the Taliban, TV was forbidden in Afghanistan. But now “television is off to a phenomenal start, with Afghans now engrossed, for better or worse, in much of the same escapist fare that seduces the rest of the world: soap operas that pit the unbearably conniving against the implausibly virtuous, chefs preparing meals that most people would never eat in kitchens they could never afford, talk show hosts wheedling secrets from those too shameless to keep their troubles to themselves.”

The Tragic Death Of A Power Art Couple

“Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake were a formidable pair, and by all accounts, soul mates for the last 12 years. So a few weeks ago, when Duncan committed suicide at the age of 40, friends and family knew that Blake, 35, was devastated. No one, though, knew how devastated.” A week later, Blake, one of the New York art world’s certified stars, walked into the Atlantic Ocean and drowned.

Can Serra Make MoMA’s Building Better?

When New York’s Museum of Modern Art opened its new building in 2004, the critics loved it. Two years later, the same critics hated it. Now, with a new Richard Serra retrospective filling the space, some critics are headed back the other way. “The exhibition clarifies and works to justify the Taniguchi design. The interaction between the sculptures and the galleries here is about as effective as can be imagined.”

Alsop’s Cloud Coming To T.O.?

British architect Will Alsop is likely bringing his design of a floating cloud-like (some would say blob-like) building to Toronto harborfront. “The original Cloud design was chosen in 2002 to grace the Liverpool waterfront, but was blown away in 2004 after the projected cost jumped… Alsop declined to comment on whether his Toronto Cloud will be part of the proposed film-industry megadevelopment called Filmport – although that’s what observers contacted yesterday expect.”