Wooster Group Tries Shakespeare For The First Time – With The RSC, No Less

The two companies, whose styles couldn’t be more different, are playing the warring Trojans and Greeks in an upcoming Troilus and Cressida. Longtime Wooster actress Kate Valk: “It took us two weeks to read it through once. We were looking everything up and watching movie versions to remind ourselves of the characters, because we’d get so lost in it.”

Calls For Int’l Boycott Of Malaysian Philharmonic Following Musicians’ Firing

“An international musicians’ group has called for a global boycott of recruitment by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO), saying the symphony sacked nine members without cause. The Paris-based International Federation of Musicians (IFM) posted on its website a strongly-worded attack on the sackings, in a rare note of discord in the usually genteel world of symphony music.”

Long-Lost Raphael Discovered In Bank Vault

Portrait of a Young Man, around 1513-1514, from the Czartoryski family collection in Krakow, was confiscated by the Nazis in 1939 for Hitler’s Führermuseum, Linz. It disappeared in 1945 shortly before the end of the Second World War.” Polish authorities won’t say where it was found, except that it is “in a region of the world where the law favours us.”