The West End Is Dying!

Yes, yes, we’ve heard it over and over, many times before. But “today the crisis is real. Never in my lifetime has London’s West End theatre looked so narrow in its range of choices or so out of touch with contemporary reality. And it is high time the crisis was confronted and a debate launched about what we expect of commercial theatre.”

Writers Press Their Case In Hollywood

The Writers Guild of America wants something from Hollywood. “What do they want? Residuals. Specifically, they want a piece of the new-media pie. That’s online reruns and secondary content like webisodes, mobisodes, minisodes, and character blogs — all the goodies you can get on your laptop, cell phone, and iPod. When do they want it? By October 31, when the WGA’s current three-year contract with the studios expires.”

Building A “Mini-Davos” For The Arts (And Arts Funding)

“In an era when billionaires such as Bill Gates and Richard Branson devote fortunes to fighting diseases and global warming, arts groups are struggling to keep up. They have an ally in Robert Redford. The Academy Award- winning actor and Americans for the Arts, an advocacy group that lobbies for more funding for the arts, have teamed up to urge corporations, foundations and individuals to think of the arts as a way to address educational, health and environmental problems rather than as a competing philanthropic cause.”

Baghdad Museum Unseals Its Doors

The Baghdad Museum is unblocking its doors again and allowing staff in. “Shortly before antiquities head Donny George went into exile last August, he had all the entrances to the building blocked, because of the deteriorating security situation in Baghdad. Dr George admitted that this could have created environmental problems, but he felt it was too dangerous to protect the museum with just locked doors.”

Smithsonian Fires Business Chief

“The Smithsonian Institution yesterday replaced Gary M. Beer as chief executive of the museum complex’s embattled business unit after an inspector general’s report found he had abused his institution-issued credit card and billed thousands of dollars in expenditures that were unauthorized or lacked evidence of a business purpose.” Beer has been told to reimburse the Smithsonian for $30,000 worth of charges.