The Trouble With TED

“TED is no longer a responsible curator of ideas ‘worth spreading.’ Instead it has become something ludicrous, and a little sinister. Today TED is an insatiable kingpin of international meme laundering – a place where ideas, regardless of their quality, go to seek celebrity … [where] books become talks, talks become memes, memes become projects, projects become talks, talks become books – and so it goes ad infinitum.”

Caveat Lector, In An Age Of Real-time ‘Spoilers’ (Of The Olympics And Other Narratives)

“Perhaps we ought to renegotiate the social contracts around spoiling. It used to be that the onus was entirely on the one who might spoil to protect any privileged story information he or she might possess. Now, as stories begin to be told more asynchronously, I think we are beginning to live in a world in which those of us who wait to hear a story must accept that we’re taking on more of a risk of having that story accidentally spoiled. It’s on us, at least somewhat. More so than ever, at the very least. And I also think we can begin to forgive those storytellers who are more geared toward instant delivery of the news.”

Why Music Is At The Core Of Our Identities

“In the 100 years or so since recorded music has been widely available, our lives have become suffused by it: we are born and die to music, we eat and shop and travel and make love to music, we work and play to music. Some of our most powerful memories are either of music, or are accompanied by music – and sometimes, even as listeners, we seem almost to become the music that we hear.”

London’s Almeida Theatre Drops Its Opera Festival Because Modern Opera Is Rubbish

“Michael Attenborough, the son of Lord Attenborough, has ditched the annual opera festival that was once a mainstay of the Almeida, the theatre he runs in north London.” Says Attenborough, “Modern opera studiously avoids anything so old-fashioned as melody or emotion, which seems to me a contradiction of what music is all about.”