How Werner Herzog Got The North Korean Censors To Just Trust Him

“At one point I filmed something which I was not allowed to do, so I wanted to have it edited or deleted. But … we were unable to delete it, and they wanted to take the entire memory hard drive. And I said, ‘But it contains two days’ worth of shooting, that would be terrible.’ So I said, ‘You know what, I can guarantee to you that I’m not going to use this material.’ And they said, ‘Guarantee, what do you mean by that?'” (podcast)

The Happiness Industry – Narcissism For The Masses?

“You can’t really be happy if you are a victim of injustice or exploitation, which is what the technologists of joy tend to overlook. This is why, when Aristotle speaks of a science of well-being, he gives it the name of politics. The point is of little interest to the neuroscientists, advertising gurus or mindfulness mongers, which is why so much of their work is spectacularly beside the point.”

Crystal Pite Has An Interesting Theory About Why Ballet Choreography Is So Male-Dominated

“A young boy making the choice to study ballet as a kid is strong enough to push against the ridicule of his peers so he’s probably already a bit of a maverick … It’s natural for girls to be in the ballet world so they don’t have to resist anything – and they are prized for their ability to be obedient, to conform. So all the qualities that got the boy into ballet class in the first place are the same qualities you need to be a creator.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 08.03.16

Are We Building Artistic Leadership?
Are the arts about selling tickets to shows or about art? Of course performances and exhibitions don’t happen if they don’t have money to be produced, but – as evidenced at an arts marketing conference where I recently spoke … read more
AJBlog: diacritical/Douglas McLennan Published 2016-08-03

A Big Splash for A Little Museum
Winona, MN, is home to just 27,500 people, but it has an art museum worthy of a much bigger city. The Minnesota Marine Art Museum – which is far more interesting than you may now be imagining … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-08-03

The Met Breuer, Like Its Signature Show, Is “Unfinished” (with video)
I decided to revisit the Met Breuer today, to view belatedly its well attended, justly praised exhibition of photographer Diane Arbus‘ early works, in which her unsettling genius for detecting the bizarre in the commonplace … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-08-03


James Houghton, 57, Founder Of Signature Theatre And Director Of Juilliard Drama Program

“I don’t think there was anyone in the theater community more beloved than Jim,” the playwright Tony Kushner, whose work was featured in Signature’s 2010-11 season, wrote in an email. “He had a great soul and a grand capacity for friendship and love. He was smart and passionate. He built his singular legacy, founded on his devotion to playwrights’ work and to playwrights themselves, with a uniquely sweet, generous spirit; with unflagging optimism; and with grace.”

Wholesale Makeover Of Pennsylvania Ballet Continues With Hire Of 17 New Dancers

“All told, since Angel Corella’s arrival, 22 dancers have left the company, with some retiring, some joining other companies and others simply not being re-engaged. With Wednesday’s appointments — of dancers from around the United States, as well as from Russia, Cuba, Japan and South Korea — Mr. Corella has now brought on 29 of the 43 dancers on the company’s roster.”