Frank Lloyd Wright’s American Office Classic – Now Open For Visits

“It’s risky to call any office building a masterwork. Even the most insightful architecture can prove too inflexible in the face of changing business models, advancing technologies and the volatile fate of companies themselves. Yet Wright’s design for H.F. Johnson Jr., the third-generation leader of what was then called S.C. Johnson & Son, endures both because of the innate intelligence of its design and the pride the family-owned company takes in it.”

An Ambitious Plan For A New Flagship Theatre In South Florida

The Coconut Grove Playhouse shut down in 2006 during its 50th anniversary season. It was $4 million in debt. The county has a plan for a small theatre to replace it. But Mike Eidson has a bigger idea: “a civic center dedicated to great theater in a modern playhouse complex would be a tremendous amenity and asset. . . . It sends a powerful and indisputable message to people who want to live and invest here that we are a serious, maturing city.”

Sony Gives Up Manufacturing E-Readers

Having already abandoned its e-book stores for North America and Europe, the tech giant announced that it will stop producing e-reading hardware because it isn’t “economically viable”. … “Sony will instead focus on the Japanese e-reading market and in particular business customers.”