Refunds For ‘Go Set A Watchman’? Really?

“From the beginning, we knew that the manuscript was at best ‘recently rediscovered’, not new. It was always presented as a first draft of Mockingbird … And no buyer, even for the smallest and humblest of stores, was unaware of that when they ordered their own supply. The fact is that people wanted to read a new Harper Lee novel no matter what its provenance and no one truly wanted to get in the way of that.”

Why Keep Exhibition Of Bill Cosby’s Art Open? Director Explains

“Why do I continue to take the position that the museum’s “Conversations” exhibition, containing works of art owned by Bill and Camille Cosby, must remain open? The answer is that this exhibition is not about the life and career of Bill Cosby. It is about the interplay of artistic creativity in remarkable works of African and African-American art and what visitors can learn from the stories this art tells.”