Why Is So Much Sound Art So Bad?

“Duchamp was a genius. He could put a noise in a ball of string and hey presto, it was art. He made it look easy – well, he made everything look easy – and yet many daft and self-indulgent sound works are only “art” at the most glib level as sadly exposed by the National Gallery’s exhibition Soundscapes last summer, in which only Philipsz rose above the banal.”

Augmented Reality: Pokémon Go Could Be The Start Of A Transformation In Children’s Games And Learning

“While electronic games have traditionally caused kids to retreat to couches, here is one that did precisely the opposite. … If done right, some say the technology Go introduced to the world could bring back the kind of outdoor, creative, and social forms of play that used to be the mainstay of childhood. Augmented reality, it stands to reason, could revitalize the role of imagination in kids’ learning and development.”

Queens Without Borders: A Berlin Drag Show Offers Welcome And Aid To Queer Refugees

The project’s organizer, an Australian expat whose drag name is Olympia Bukkakis, “describes the show, with a bit of a cringe, as ‘conceptual drag,’ where specific themes are explored through various acts. It features a mixture of ‘punk, alternative queens’ along with refugees new to the city, incorporating belly dancing, burkas, and gender-bender performance art.”

Disney Fires Director Of ‘Frozen’ Musical

“Disney Theatrical Productions and director Alex Timbers have parted ways on the brewing Broadway production of Frozen. ‘Making the tough calls when creating a new Broadway musical is never easy, but this was especially painful,’ said Thomas Schumacher, the president and producer of Disney Theatrical Productions, in a statement. ‘Alex Timbers is one of the most exciting and innovative theater directors I know.'”

Luxury-Goods Billionaire Sets Plans For Private Museum In Paris

“Last month, the Paris City Council approved the project, which calls for transforming the building into ‘The Pinault Collection, Bourse de Commerce’ and filling it with art from Mr. Pinault’s collection of more than 3,000 works by contemporary artists like Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Gerhard Richter, Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Martin and Cy Twombly. The interior is to get a makeover by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando.”