Top Posts From AJBlogs 08.04.16

Trump, The Tenor, And Fascism
While I applaud the urge to dump on Trump (for so many reasons), trying to associate him with fascist sympathies because his campaign plays one of the most famous arias on the planet is a yuge overreach.  … read more
AJBlog: diacritical/Douglas McLennan Published 2016-08-04

On proper attire for attending the theatre
We have links to two stories today, Elisabeth Vincentelli asking that people try a little harder to look decent when they attend the theatre, … and Alexis Kleinman in rebuttal – with the arts already having problems of being exclusive, why exacerbate by imposing a dress code? … read more
AJBlog: For What It’s Worth Published 2016-08-04

Young Chekhovathon for Chekhovaphiles (of all ages)
A bit of a sucker for aesthetic marathons, … an all-day Chekhov-fest sounds just my thing, and so it was. … read more
AJBlog: Plain English Published 2016-08-04


Elena Doria, 90, Longtime Director Of Met Opera Children’s Chorus

“A soprano who joined the Met in 1966 as a member of its adult chorus, Ms. Doria took the helm of the children’s group in 1986. For the next 23 years, until she stepped down in 2009, she superintended her charges – who ranged in age from about 5 to the early teens – through weekly classes at the opera house, through stage rehearsals and, like an operatic Momma Rose, from the wings at every performance.”