Solzhenitsyn And Greatness

“The most important true thing to say is this: The greatest writer in the world died the other night in his Moscow apartment. In an English-speaking world where we apply “great” to a well-diced salad, or the barely heard news that the person we’re greeting is feeling fine, the only way to reinvest it with gravitas is to outline the many ways Solzhenitsyn earned it, while countering the falsehoods that gathered about his name.”

Co-Founder Of Dallas Opera Nicola Rescigno, 92

“He conducted Maria Callas’s U.S. debut, and became one of the diva’s favourite conductors in a collaboration that spanned several years, performances and recordings. He co-founded the Dallas Opera – initially called the Dallas Civic Opera – with the late Lawrence Kelly. Rescigno became its artistic director and Callas gave the company’s inaugural concert.”

How We Spend Money On Media

“The average consumer will spend $1,078 on media in 2012, up 26.6% from last year, according to the forecast based on data licensed from PQ Media. About 41% of that will go to cable and satellite TV providers, up from 39% in 2007. But more money doesn’t translate into proportionately more media usage: The typical person will spend 3,496 hours with media in 2012, up just half of 1%.”