Against Studios’ Wishes, the Go-Ahead for a New DVR

In a reversal of a ruling that favored film and TV studios, Cablevision may now introduce its contested digital video recorder. The new model stores programs on the company’s servers, instead of in a customer’s set, eliminating expensive hardware. “The ruling could have a huge impact on the relationship between pay-TV operators and programmers, who are concerned that cheaper DVR functionality will lead to accelerating advertising viewership losses.”

A New Kind Of Playground?

David Rockwell usually builds playgrounds for adults – high-end restaurants, theatre sets and expensive stores. But, he wondered, is there a way to rethink the traditional children’s playground? His first project “will forswear slides and jungle gyms and instead employ an open multilevel space with large sand and water features, dams, cables, pulleys and an array of ‘loose parts’ — toys and tools that kids can use to alter the environment.”