Was A Lost Leonardo Just Discovered In Scotland?

“For years it sat on a farmhouse wall gathering dust. And when Fiona McLaren redecorated, she didn’t even take the time to cover the apparently worthless painting in a protective sheet, so it got flicked in specks of paint. However, in an astounding twist it has emerged that the picture is likely to have been the work of master artist Leonardo da Vinci and worth over £100million.”

Attendance, Ticket Income Up At Cincinnati Symphony

“At a challenging time for orchestras and when the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra was between music directors, the orchestra increased both its subscription sales and attendance last season. … Average attendance for classical concerts at Music Hall was 1,891, an increase of nearly 8 percent. That uptick follows a banner year the previous season – Paavo Järvi’s last as music director.”

T.V. Networks Apparently Have No Clue How To Appeal To Latino Audiences (Hint: Stereotypes Aren’t The Way To Do It)

“The discrepancy between English and Spanish language shows is most acute among shows that are scripted in English. The issue, many viewers and critics argue, is that there still hasn’t been the Hispanic equivalent of The Cosby Show, meaning a show that deals with Latino culture in a way that doesn’t offend viewers with crude stereotypes.”

You Can Tell The Difference Between Ironic And Sincere? Thank Your Theory of Mind Brain Center

“We naturally attribute beliefs and intentions and emotions to people we interact with. That is, we develop a ‘theory’–though not necessarily a theory we’re consciously aware of–about what’s going on in their minds. (An inability to do this is thought to play a role in autism.) And this ‘theory’ in turn shapes our interpretation of things people say. The ‘ToM network’ is a brain region–or, really, a network of different brain regions–that seems to play an important role in the construction of these theories.”