India Lifts Ban On Internet Pornography After Nationwide Debate

“In the first large-scale crackdown on the internet in India, the world’s largest democracy, websites were blocked over the weekend as telecommunications companies began to implement government instructions. The Department of Communications said the aim was to prevent pornography becoming a social nuisance, but the move immediately prompted a nationwide debate about censorship and freedom.”

Italy’s Plan To Rebuild The Floor Of The Coliseum

“Foremost among the projects are an €18.5-million (~$20.1 million) plan to rebuild the floor of Rome’s Colosseum — which was removed during excavations toward the end of the 19th century — so that the ancient amphitheater might be used for reenactments of Roman spectacles and other events, and €18 million (~$19.6 million) for the so-called “Great Uffizi” project to renovate and expand the most-visited art museum in Italy.”

What I Learned About Journalism When The New Republic Fired Its “Old Journalism” Staff

“If we lament the decline of journalism, it is not because we want to remake magazines in the image of their forebears – pre-digital journalism was famously hostile to women, for one thing – it is because we want to inhabit a world where it is still possible to translate lived experience to the page with integrity. And if we didn’t find these acts of translation worthwhile, why would we bother to write articles – or plays – at all?”

How Morality Is Brokered By Attention On The Internet

“The mere act of choosing to look at something online generates real value for a company, materially helping to support its staff, its content, and the social interactions that a platform plays host to. This is why a website like Do Not Link exists: It promises a way to share a link from a website without boosting that site’s standing in search rankings.”