Where To Find The Stylish Kids? In Soho, Of Course

Except this time, they’re there for “product drops,” of course. “They have fully embraced ‘normcore’ fashion, but with branded limited releases and collaborations. It is not price but exclusivity, the scarcity model, that drives the new geeks. And those limited editions go to those who know about the releases first and get there first.”

How The Glass Castle’s Jeannette Walls Dealt With Her Sudden, And Intense, Success

Walls and her husband left Manhattan for a 205-acre horse farm in Virginia, but “while the farm has given Ms. Walls a stability that long eluded her, she knows better than to count on it. Years of roving the country in junk cars, foraging for food in school trash bins, being pelted with rocks by bullies and being eyed with contempt by neighbors have left her wary.”

That’s Right, BBC, We Need More Cultural Critics, Not Fewer

As the Beeb U-turns and decides not to cut Radio 4’s Saturday Review, we still need reviews – though things have changed drastically. “In the 19th century lengthy reviews flourished to such a degree that Thomas Carlyle predicted ‘by and by it will be found that all literature has become one boundless self-devouring review.’ It didn’t quite happen but many of the modernists – Pound, Eliot, Woolf, Lawrence – are as celebrated for their critical essays as for their poems or novels.”

The Hardworking British Actor Who’s Become More And More Of A Household Name

The star of three movies this year, Hawkins grew up with writer/illustrator parents who have published literally hundreds of children’s books, some of which were inspired by her childhood life. Now the British actor who follows her own desires – and ignores Hollywood when it wants to put her in thrillers with Bruce Willis – is having another “breakout” year.

Should The Edinburgh Fringe (And Other) Festivals Start In July?

That start would allow the festivals to coincide with school holidays. Edinburgh’s city council cultural convener: “We have to look at widening things out geographically but it is also about deepening their appeal. We have events and festivals that are primarily of interest to visitors to the city but we have to make sure we’re paying enough attention to the citizens of Edinburgh.”