Can Faith In Science Deliver The Same Benefits Religion Does?

“Carl Sagan famously offered science as a ‘candle in the dark’ to help illuminate a ‘demon-haunted world.’ … Can science, with its systematic approach to understanding nature, offer a satisfying portrait of the natural world and our place within it? Can science provide the same existential benefits typically thought to be the sole province of religion? Some recent psychological findings suggest that it can.”

Could Philadelphia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway Become As Popular As New York’s High Line?

“[A new] city-commissioned plan, ‘More Park, Less Way,’ focuses on turning four parcels of underutilized open space into lively neighborhood parks with amenities such as yoga, volleyball, chess boards, food kiosks and cultural programming. The aim is to make the parkway as enticing a destination for city residents – especially the 70,000 who live within a 10-minute walk – as it is for tourists.”

The Declining Marginal Utility Of Bad Art

A longstanding belief within behavioral economics held that people will usually come to like lesser-known or mediocre works of art as well as they do canonical works simply through repeated exposure. Reassuringly, a new study finds that this is not true of bad art; the more subjects saw of it, the less they liked it. (And whose work was used as the bad art in the study?)