What Does A Minute Feel Like?

For that matter, what is a minute, really? Newton “believed that time was absolute – marked by God’s great metronome in the sky. It was certainly not subjective.” Einstein once wrote, “People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” And then there’s David Lamelas’s conceptual piece Time.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 08.07.14

The Future Of Art Book Publishing Is Here
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts | Published 2014-08-08

Creativity and “Powers of Two”
AJBlog: CultureCrash | Published 2014-08-07

Sir Alan Peacock
AJBlog: For What it’s Worth | Published 2014-08-07

My Night with Reg, La Ronde and the Daisy-Chain Plot
AJBlog: Plain English | Published 2014-08-07

Ystad Concerts: Korb And Lundgren
AJBlog: RiffTides | Published 2014-08-07


250 Years Of Fussing About English Grammar, Hopefully (Ahem) Gathered Into One Database

“There’s a lot of advice about English usage that we largely take for granted, from split infinitives to dangling participles, but where did anyone get these ideas in the first place?” Linguist Robin Straaijer writes about his Hyper Usage Guide of English (HUGE)database project, using as an example the hopefully wars, which (like so many culture wars) has been fought since the ’60s.

Classifying Music By Genres Seems So… Yesterday (And Yet)

“So with the internet letting us hear just about any music and see any musician any time we want, for a comparatively low cost of entry, in theory it could provide an ideal opportunity to get rid of genres. Unfortunately, one thing technology can’t do is make the day longer than 24 hours. There’s more information, and more music, more easily accessible to more people than ever before, but no one actually has time to read or listen to more than a fraction of it. So we still must rely on gatekeepers and sorting mechanisms, one of which is musical genre, and radio, retail, presenters, and media all continue to categorize music according to whether it is rock, pop, hip-hop, country, R&B, classical, blues, folk, jazz, and so on.”