What’s Behind The Literary Bio-pic Trend?

“It’s a puzzling trend. Even the most brilliant literary work generally comes from a solitary individual sitting at a table in front of a sheet of paper or a computer, which is not exactly full of dramatic possibilities. The writer’s film seems to defy commercial logic. No matter how many of us have studied Sylvia Plath at school, it’s hard to see a drama about a suicidal poet as a box-office winner. Yet these films keep coming.”

A History Of Artistic Excellence (And Now It’s Changed?)

“Prestige has shifted from the producer of art to the aggregator and the appraiser. Inventors, artists and writers come and go, but buzz is forever. Maximum status goes to the Gladwellian heroes who occupy the convergence points of the Internet infosystem — Web sites like Pitchfork for music, Gizmodo for gadgets, Bookforum for ideas, etc. These tastemakers surf the obscure niches of the culture market bringing back fashion-forward nuggets of coolness for their throngs of grateful disciples.”