Art Exhibitions We Thought We’d Never See: A Show In Tehran About Human Rights Abuses And Catholic Iconography

“In a surprise move, an exhibition focusing on human rights abuses is due to open at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art next month. The show, dedicated to the German sculptor and kinetic artist Günther Uecker, includes … the series ‘The Human Abused: 14 Pacified Implements’, … [which is] based on the Stations of the Cross.”

Here’s Another Thing Ballet Training’s Good For: Olympic Hammer Throw

“Hammer thrower Sophie Hitchon reached the Olympic final yesterday” – setting a new British record in the process – “and then credited her years of ballet training for helping her deal with the 80,000 crowd cheering her on. … Amazingly, the blonde haired thrower said ballet and hammer throwing had actually complemented one another.”

Edinburgh Airport Covers Up Nude Picasso, Then Uncovers It After Complaints

“Nude Woman in a Red Armchair was advertising the Picasso and Modern British Art exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. However, the airport decided to cover the image after several complaints from passengers in international departures. After gallery chiefs branded the move “bizarre”, the airport has backed down and removed the cover.”

The Mess That Is The Olympic Logo Design

“The fractured design of the logo certainly invites discord. It doesn’t piece together, like a puzzle that doesn’t fit, and that drives brains crazy. A light pointed at the logo could never cast the shadow you see behind it. Yes, it’s made to be young, and graffiti-inspired. But love it or hate it, the real genius is in how the logo screws with your sense of taste and your perception of what it should and shouldn’t look like.”