Synchronized Swimming: Both Sport And (Rather Odd) Water Ballet

“Even when you have seen it on television, it is hard to appreciate the full experience of live synchronized swimming. For one thing, the swimmers do everything synchronistically, including walking to the edge of the pool, which they do in an oddly exaggerated way, like mimes in bathing suits. Then, when they get there, they affix their nose plugs and perform short dance routines – this is called deck work – that generally end in a kind of unexpected tableau vivant, with them posing together in an artistic flourish.”

Was This The Jacobean Borges? (Borges Thought So)

“Back when the English language was still young and impressionable, a London-born physician who took up the pen as a gentleman’s hobby made quite a dent, fathering a dictionary page’s worth of words we still use and tend to think of as ageless – ‘medical,’ ‘literary,’ ‘suicide,’ ‘exhaustion,’ ‘hallucination’ and ‘coma’ among them.”