The Gonzo Documentary That Has Liberia’s Government Nervous

In The Ambassador, Danish filmmaker Mads Brügger heads to the Central African Republic “with plans to open a match factory staffed by pygmies. His real aim, though, is to worm his way into the upper echelons of government and smuggle out a swag of diamonds under the guise of diplomatic immunity” – with Liberian credentials purchased from a corrupt official in Monrovia. Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf wants to prosecute Brügger; the CAR government appears not to care.

Will Seattle Opera’s Money Woes Become The Company’s New Normal?

“It became clear over the last year that Seattle’s financial situation, which had worsened since 2008, was serious, and that the company would end the 2011-12 season with a rare shortfall: approximately $1 million in a budget of about $20 million. In the language of the news release that the company issued on June 26, it is ‘reshaping for a leaner economy.’ Translated into English, it is desperate.”