New York Judge Upholds Artist’s Right To Photograph Unsuspecting Neighbors

“New York’s Supreme Court decided last week that the photographer Arne Svenson was within his rights to display and advertise a series of photographs he took of his neighbours without their permission. In May, a local couple sued Svenson for violating their privacy after recognizing their young children in two of the images.”

Fight Over Control Of Picasso’s Studio

“For more than a decade, le grenier de Picasso (Picasso’s attic) has been occupied rent-free by a private cultural organisation, the Comité National Pour l’Education Artistique (CNEA), which has maintained it as a venue for exhibitions and children’s workshops. Now the building’s owners want it back and have issued an eviction order, sparking a bitter legal row over the future of the studio.”

Is This Book Worth $580,905?

“The concept was innovative; the reward tiers were thoughtfully designed; North communicated clearly and enthusiastically with backers at every step of the process; and the project not only delivered what was promised but improved upon the initial concept. As the book arrives in backers’ mailboxes this month, it’s worth asking: Is it a good book? Is it $580,905 good?”