Is Singing Together During COVID Safe?

“Singing in a room for an extended period of time, in close contact with lots of people and no ventilation — that’s a recipe for disaster,” says Shelly Miller, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. Along with Jelena Srebric at the University of Maryland, Miller is leading a six-month research project looking at singers’ and other musicians’ transmission of aerosol particles. – NPR

Life In The Fast Lane? It Comes With A Cost

“There’s a cost to living; there’s a cost to doing everything. That cost depends on the speed at which we’re living, to some degree. If we are living our lives at a very fast rate, we tend to wear out sooner. There is a strong relationship between metabolic rate—the rate at which we’re taking in oxygen and burning up food—and lifespan. Under good conditions, we focus most of our resources on sexual maturation. I’m speaking not so much about humans as animals in general. But this goes beyond the animal kingdom.” – Nautilus

How Swedish Culture Explains Its Response To COVID

It also helps explain the Swedish policy response to Covid-19 — banning gatherings over 50, encouraging home working and social distancing, shielding of vulnerable groups, while keeping society as open as possible — which can be seen as typically lagom. It was designed to be proportionate to the threat, but unhysterical, and sustainable over the long term. To rip up a long-prepared pandemic plan and impose unprecedented measures just because everybody else was would be considered reckless; to close schools would have been considered morally unacceptable. – Unherd

How Do You Work To Preserve Indigenous Languages When You And Your Native Speakers Are All In Lockdown?

“It’s a transition that has taken on particular urgency given the fact that the speaker pool for the world’s threatened and endangered languages skews older — precisely the population most at risk from the pandemic. This problem is compounded by the fact that indigenous communities not just in the United States but around the world are disproportionately affected both by the virus and by the economic toll of the shutdown. Against this backdrop, the push to keep language revitalization going under lockdown is a symbol of cultural resilience — and, for many, an opportunity to build national and international solidarity among indigenous peoples around the world.” – Slate

Disney Drops 20th Century Fox Brand Entirely

“Shedding the Fox name entirely from 20th Century Fox Television in the wake of the Disney-Fox merger, that studio will now be known as 20th Television. … Nixing ‘Fox’ from 20th TV was part of the negotiated merger terms between Disney and 21st Century Fox in order to prevent confusion among consumers. On the film side, 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight removed ‘Fox’ from their names in January.” – Variety