Those Ubiquitous Ads For MasterClass? Here’s What You Actually Get

MasterClass launched in 2015 with just three classes: Dustin Hoffman on acting, Serena Williams on tennis, and Patterson on writing. Since then the company has grown exponentially, raising $135 million in venture capital from 2012 to 2018. It now has more than 85 classes across nine categories. (Last year it added 25 new classes, and this year it intends to add even more.) After the pandemic hit, as people started spending more time at home, its subscriptions surged, some weeks increasing tenfold over the average in 2019. – The Atlantic

Extras Being Replaced By Mannequins?

Showrunners have been changing scenes to have little or no background performers, Paula Spurr says. She’s even heard of some smaller-budget productions using mannequins “in the deep background” these days. “It’s like, ‘Oh great, we’re being replaced with dummies,”‘ Spurr says with a laugh. – CBC

Broadway Star Danny Burstein On Struggling With COVID

“The other day, my pal, the brilliant songwriter Tom Kitt, called me. He said he was frustrated by his lack of creativity because of the pandemic and was reaching out to several friends to see if we could write songs together. He said, “Is there something going on in your life at the moment that you just have to express?” And I sat at my computer and wrote the following: “The question we keep asking is how do you have hope when every moment is a struggle? When every second is a reminder.” – The Hollywood Reporter

Reconsidering Poulenc

He was no originator, like Schoenberg or Stravinsky, nor did he possess Britten’s or Shostakovich’s command of manifold genres. He was, however, a composer of rare gifts, particularly in the setting of sacred and secular texts. As the decades pass, he grows in stature, and his aloofness from musical party politics matters less. – The New Yorker