Is There A Specifically American Style Of Stand-Up? (Asks A Brit)

Brian Logan: “‘This is an American-style hour,’ says Ari Shaffir at the top of his Edinburgh festival show. ‘So there’s no theme and no crying.’ So is that the American style of comedy? … I’ve seen a handful of US acts this first week on the [Edinburgh] fringe, and it’s interesting to note the features that, to some degree, make them distinctive.”

Two Years After Life-Threatening Crisis, Atlanta Symphony Reports Budget Surplus

“The ASO announced yesterday that it closed the 2015-16 fiscal year with a budget surplus for the second straight year. ASO spokeswoman Tammy Hawk said the final budget numbers won’t be released until a final audit is complete. In addition, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Musicians’ Endowment Fund has raised over $20 million and is expected to reach its $25 million goal this year.”

Why Do Some Composers Want To Write Music To Drive Us Crazy?

“Satie knew that the prospect of performing this composition was so daunting, he wrote a note above the score that said one should “prepare oneself beforehand, in the deepest silence, by serious immobilities. It’s as if he knew he had devised an art piece that is a cudgel to lay up against the side of the listeners’ heads with a force and fervor they can’t deserve.”