Orchestra-On-Demand: Detroit Symphony Launches Video Archive Of All Its Concerts

The Detroit Symphony “is launching what it says is the country’s only on-demand archive of orchestral video performances. Intended as a perk for donors contributing at least $50 to the DSO’s annual fund, the Replay archive will allow listeners to watch performances drawn from the orchestra’s free, weekly high-definition webcasts dating back three years.”

The Key To Real Creativity? Study Says Persistence

“Researchers report that people consistently underestimate how many creative ideas they can come up with if they continue to work on a problem, rather than giving up in the wake of mediocre initial results. What’s more, the study finds the most creative ideas tend to arise after many others have been considered and discarded. If you give up too soon, chances are you’re not allowing your most promising notions to emerge.”

Tenor Sings During His Own Brain Surgery

“Joined by a pianist in the operating room, Slovenian tenor Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne delivers the first and last couplets of Schubert’s ‘Gute Nacht’ (in major and minor) so doctors could monitor his ability to sing and recognize key changes” – making sure that they didn’t inadvertently damage his brain further during the operation. (video)

Chinese City Unveils Copy Of Anish Kapoor’s ‘Cloud Gate’ (Chicago’s ‘Bean’) – And Kapoor Is Not Happy

“It seems that in China today it is permissible to steal the creativity of others,” said the sculptor, who plans to sue and wants Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to join the case. Authorities in the Xinjiang oil town of Karamay insist that their sculpture, intended to represent a giant oil bubble, is completely different.