Is Fan Fiction Taking Over?

“Fanfic is seen as the lowest point we’ve reached in the history of culture – it’s crass, sycophantic, celebrity-obsessed, naive, badly written, derivative, consumerist, unoriginal – anti-original. From this perspective it’s a disaster when a work of fanfic becomes the world’s number one bestseller and kickstarts a global trend.”

The Close Call – Lucky Break Or Near Disaster?

“Probability wise, near misses aren’t successes. They are indicators of near failure. And if the flaw is systemic, it requires only a small twist of fate for the next incident to result in disaster. Rather than celebrating then ignoring close calls, we should be learning from them and doing our very best to prevent their recurrence. But we often don’t.”

Drowning In Debt, Atlanta Symphony Heads Into Contract Negotiations

“The city’s largest cultural group, having run up $5 million annual deficits in recent years, is facing a daunting accumulated debt nearing $20 million. … Symphony management has resolved that the bleeding must stop and is amid increasing fractious contract negotiations with the committee representing its 93 musicians to replace the four-year agreement that expires at midnight Aug. 25.”

Getty Museum Signs Art Exchange Pact With Rome

“The museum said it has signed a bilateral agreement with Rome’s Capitoline Museums to create a framework for the conservation and restoration of artworks as well as future exhibitions and long-term loans. The Capitoline Museums are a group of art and archaeological museums that date to the 15th century. They are among the oldest public art museums in the world.”