Top AJBlog Posts From The Weekend Of 08.13.17

Frank Sinatra Sings Brahms
The Importance of the Familiar You know how it feels when you unexpectedly hear a familiar piece of music—any kind of music? You get that jolt and you say, oh I love that song/piece. Or … read more
AJBlog: The Bright RidePublished 2017-08-13

And Finally, From Ystad
The Ystad Sweden Jazz Festival ran six days and was packed with so much music that there was no chance of hearing it all. Here are brief impressions of a few more … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2017-08-13

The Carsten Dahl Experience, Deborah Brown & Lundgren Twice
At the Ystads Konstmuseum, the Carsten Dahl Experience was, indeed, an experience. After launching his career as a drummer, Dahl taught himself piano in the early 1980s and quickly developed formidable technique … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2017-08-11

Save the Forsaken 40! Protest March Tomorrow by Opponents of Berkshire Museum’s Art Sales
Opponents of the Berkshire Museum’s planned sale of 40 artworks from its collection plan to stage a protest march tomorrow (Saturday), 9 a.m.-noon, on the sidewalk in front of the Berkshire Museum, South Street, Pittsfield, MA. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrlPublished 2017-08-11

The Tanzania Albinism Collective Say Music Has Saved Their Lives

The group toured Britain after experiencing a songwriting workshop and immediately recording an album. “The album swings wildly – from moments of beauty to blasts of anger, from big group numbers with people grabbing whatever is to hand for percussion (one features a rainwater barrel being hit by a sledgehammer) to dance songs where someone has clearly found the keyboard’s demo button and simply sung over the top. There is often a stark contrast between the song titles – Stop the Murders, Stigma Everywhere – and the fun of the music.”