UK Online TV Viewing Doubles

“The proportion of people with an internet connection who watch TV online was 17% in 2007, compared with 8% the year before. Online advertising spend was up by almost 40% year-on-year, reaching £2.8 billion in 2007. For the first time, more money was spent on internet advertising than the combined advertising spending of ITV1, Channel 4, S4C and Five, which was £2.4 billion.”

In Praise Of The New And Unimproved

“In a society whose watchword is ‘new and improved,’ new and unimproved is a heresy. But the religion of my homeless ancestors really was richer and deeper than the religion of my housed contemporaries. And I do not see that American life will be improved by the absence from it of second-hand bookstores, or large movie screens, or patience in journalism, or privacy. The view that everything is changing for the better is marketing propaganda–Google progressivism.”

Citing Money Woes, Texas Ballet Theatre Cancels Much-Anticipated China Tour

“The canceled trip is a symptom of ongoing financial and managerial problems that have resulted in an operating budget deficit estimated at $400,000. Ballet officials confirmed the deficit figure Wednesday. The China trip was canceled when the ballet was not able to raise the remaining $70,000 to underwrite artistic director Ben Stevenson’s presentation of Cleopatra, which was to be performed by the troupe in Shanghai and other Chinese cities.”

The Self-Made Music Career In The Digital Age

Jonathan Coulton’s “fans are so devoted, so involved and so technologically advanced that they create videos to his mostly folk rock songs and post them on YouTube. Coulton releases all his music under Creative Commons, a license that allows for the sharing of material. “It’s great to have someone say, ‘I love your songs,’ ” he says. “It’s even better to have them say, ‘Here’s a music video I made. I spent hours and hours putting this together.’ ”