COVID Chronicles: The Band Rescued From Quarantine Hell By A Fishing Boat

The Dunedin Consort, an Edinburgh-based period-instrument group known for its recordings of Bach sacred works and Handel oratorios, had its first engagement since lockdown this past Friday in northern France. The problem: Boris Johnson’s government announced late Thursday night that anyone entering the UK from France after 4 am on Saturday would have to be quarantined for 14 days, and every regular means of transport for late Friday night was sold out. – BBC

Can The Arts Help Revive Rural America?

“According to the Rural Establishment Innovation Survey, residents in rural counties that are home to performing arts organizations earn up to $6,000 more than people who live in rural counties without such platforms. All of this is sparking hope for a revival of rural counties — half of which have seen their population decline since 2000 — and at a time when experts are predicting mass migration from urban centers to smaller towns because of the growing costs in cities and the increased possibilities for working from home.” – OZY

A Classical Music Host Says Music Is Keeping Her Alive After Emergency Brain Surgery

Clemency Burton-Hill works as the creative director at WQXR, New York’s classical station, and has been a BBC presenter, including a lot of Proms coverage. In early 2020, she had a massive brain hemorrhage and emergency surgery. As she regained consciousness, she heard a familiar piece and, she says, made some internal choices. “Music is the opposite of despair. It was going to be worth the fight.” – BBC

The Studio Behind This Year’s Oscar-Winning Animated Short Are Trying To School Hollywood

Lion Forge is a Black-owned animation studio, the only Black-owned animation studio. For founders and staff, that makes its mission different. “It’s representation on the screen. It’s representation on the producing side of things. But then also, and I think what’s always missed, is, there needs to be representation in the executive teams that have the power to be able to push the content through.” – FastCompany

How A Writer Pays, And Then Loses, Attention

Novelist Helen Garner terrified her friends for years with what they called her pitiless writer’s eye – detached, curious, and omnivorous. But as she ages, she’s found it’s harder and harder to pay that attention to the world. Then the virus, and lockdown, arrived. “The daily work habits of 40 years went up in flames and new ones sprouted from the ashes. Instead of going to bed early and starting work straight after breakfast, I wallowed on the couch till one in the morning, feasting on wild-eyed Jewish stand-up and cold case investigations by women detectives.” – The Guardian (UK)

The Terrible Plight Of Music And Theatre Event Staff

Lighting designers, sound engineers, tour managers, caterers, bus drivers, and more – all laid off more or less permanently, nebulously, until a vaccine. Their unions and associations are trying to help. “We basically trawled the internet looking for temporary jobs for our members. … Some top technicians have got themselves into Amazon fulfilment centres, or driving for Asda. We had two members bump into each other in the same aisle in Tesco, stacking shelves on a night shift.” – The Guardian (UK)