The Science Of Reviewing Books Without Reading Them

“If the idea of studying literature without reading it strikes you as somewhere between bizarre and dangerous, you’re not alone. There’s a whole cottage industry devoted to dismissing such projects as hopeless (or trivial, or both) or denouncing them as the death of the humanities. But it’s worth asking what they entail and what they allow before we resign ourselves to living with the tremendous limitations of reading alone.”

TMI! Why Some People Overshare On Facebook

“There’s apparently something alluring about filling those empty white boxes with embarrassing anecdotes – anecdotes that BuzzFeed then compiles and publishes in list form for everyone else to laugh at. … What compels us to tell the world with our fingers what we’d hesitate to utter in a room full of loved ones?” Naturally, social scientists have some ideas about why.

What’s The Problem With Losing Theatre Critics (Or Well-Paid Factory Workers, Either)?

“I worry for the young journalists who should be ramping up to take my place. The new managerial passion to minimize payroll puts them in a permanent limbo, at least until people discover ways to make the Internet a paying market for writers who can think deeply about a subject. Just now the Web is all about breadth, not depth.”