Tennessee Museum’s Leadership Problem – A Founder Reluctant To Leave

“For better or worse, the Tennessee State Museum would not be where it is without Lois Riggins-Ezzell. She has run the museum since 1981, when it was an afterthought to both the state and the budget, with just six employees, in the basement of James K. Polk building. She has grown the staff and the collections and archives, and she has led the decades-long push for a building of the museum’s own.”

The Dismantling Of The Corcoran, Two Years In

“Critics say that little of the Corcoran has been sustained. Most of the collection remains homeless, and repairs to the iconic Ernest Flagg building on 17th Street have only just begun. Just a third of the faculty who taught at the Corcoran are now employed by GWU, and student enrollment in the Corcoran program is down. Because the deal contains no timeline and little outside oversight, critics say the public can only watch its decline.”

Chamber Opera On The Buenos Aires Subway

In Opera Periferica’s adaptation of Pergolesi’s La serva padrona, “Serpina, the ‘servant turned mistress,’ launches her plan to seduce her master, the aging millionaire bachelor Uberto, first on one end of the H Line – which runs north and south through the capital connecting the richest area with the poorest – and then on the other.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 08.16.16

Bots and ticket prices and supply and demand
I can see Mr. Miranda wanting something done about bots – he wants ticket prices sold at a lower rate than obtains in the secondary market. But. read more
AJBlog: For What It’s Worth Published 2016-08-16

A Master, A Mysterious Girl and An Unsolved Question
When I traveled to Berlin earlier this summer, I spent about four and half hours at the Gemaldegalerie (not enough time) – a full hour of which was spent looking at Portrait of a Young Girl (1470) by Petrus Christus. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-08-16

Chrome Yellow: the Colour of the 2016 Edinburgh Festival
Last year’s was the first Edinburgh Festival I’ve missed for twenty-something years, and I was very pleased to return this year, if only briefly, to attend half a dozen performances at the International Festival … read more
AJBlog: Plain English Published 2016-08-16

Fifth Anniversary Highlights: Considering Whiteness
One of the most pressing issues facing the future of the nonprofit arts industry is the role of race and culture in our work. … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2016-08-16
