Stratford Festival Hires The Fantastic Four

“The increasing feeling among everyone concerned with the festival was that it had grown too big for just one individual or artistic vision. So the board came up with the idea of a general director who would take charge of the whole organization and have three artistic directors underneath him – none of them with specific responsibilities for a certain theatre, etc., but all of them expected to contribute to a new and exciting entity.”

Timidity Stalling A Movie Revolution

The infrastructure’s now in place so that consumers can get movies whenever they want wherever they want them. But the movie studios haven’t supplied the actuall movies to make this happen. “The movie studios are preternaturally suspicious of the new and unfamiliar. Their fear has nothing to do with crunching the numbers, but rather with large organizations’ tendency to lose sight of their interests — not to mention their customers’.”

Misery Lives

At this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, a kind of theatrical equivalent of ‘misery lit’ is packing in the crowds. “This breed of biography-based plays has very little to do with art (they have only the merest veneer of it) and everything to do with flogging a lump in the throat and a neatly packaged, easy-to-take-home uplift.”