Random Entry – We’re Taking More Chances

“Lotteries and gambling have been around for centuries, but randomness does now seem to be seeping out into more areas of life. Perhaps it’s an indicator of our wealth. We have large music collections, can afford to buy almost any food the planet produces and travel all over the world. The entertainment options on offer to us are almost unlimited. Trying to make an informed choice between all possible alternatives would take too long: they’re all good, so why not pick one at random? But is this a warning sign of terminal decadence?”

Reinventing London’s Donmar Warehouse (At Great Risk)

It’s an ambitious project – the company will present A-list actors. “Astonishingly, they will be presented at Donmar, not West End, prices – with 130 seats a night at £10 and a top price of £32.50. This is possible only because every actor involved has agreed to take £750 a week, which is up on the Donmar’s normal salary of £415 but well below commercial rates. It means that far from being a moneyraiser, the theatre will have to sell 80 per cent of the 750-seat auditorium every night to break even. The economics are, frankly, barmy.”