Berlin Train Station To Play Atonal Music To Drive Away Drug Users

“Germany’s national rail operator, Deutsche Bahn (DB), is planning to pipe ‘atonal music’ into the Hermannstrasse station in Berlin’s Neukölln district in an attempt to drive away people who use the place to take drugs. … The music has not yet been chosen, though, according to a report in Berlin’s Tagesspiegel newspaper, DB has opted for atonal music ‘because it completely undermines traditional listening habits.'”

The Key Thing Sasha Baron Cohen’s ‘This Is America’ Reveals Isn’t Gullibility Or Bigotry – It’s Fear

“Cohen’s real trump card is [the character] Col. Erran Morad, an Israeli ‘anti-terrorism expert’ who plays into every fantasy American conservatives seem to have about Israel. … Morad exposes these worshippers of military masculinity as almost parodically antiheroic. They’ll do anything as long as it’s called ‘training,’ no matter how humiliating it is in their eyes, and if it will save their own skin.”

Asia Argento, One Of The Leaders Of The MeToo Movement, Paid A Settlement To Her Own Accuser

“In the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.”

John Calder, An Independent British Publisher Who Fought Censorship, Has Died At 91

Calder published Eugène Ionesco, Marguerite Duras, Heinrich Böll, Samuel Beckett and nearly 20 other Nobel Prize winners. And he was against censorship: “In 1963, a few years after Penguin Books was acquitted of obscenity for publishing Lady Chatterley’s Lover in Britain, Mr. Calder acquired the rights to [Henry] Miller’s Tropic of Cancer — effectively daring the authorities to prosecute him under the British Obscene Publications Act of 1959.”

Oh Crap: Netflix Is Thinking Seriously About Adding Advertisements To Its Shows

Cries of “NO!” go up from millions of throats, but the streaming behemoth is probably going to do it anyway. As a matter of fact, it’s already in beta. “With increased competition from Hulu, though, Netflix has decided to begin testing out a new feature that brings its service more in line with what Hulu is offering. Netflix calls the new feature ‘recommendations,’ but we think a more catchy name would be ‘commercials.'”

The Literary Scene Is Popping In Bhutan

The country used to have a three percent literacy rate, and now it’s around 60 percent. “The number of bookshops is increasing; there are around a dozen in the capital, Thimphu, and a few more in far-flung districts. Bhutanese writers are publishing books more than ever before — fantasy novels, poetry, short story collections and especially folklore.” And then there’s the international literary festival.

Following The Lead Of Greta Gerwig, A Director Gets The Music He Wants By Writing A Letter

Originally, Coldplay (a band) refused to let Warner Bros. license the song “Yellow” – partly because of the connotations of the word. “Chu’s letter to the band, though, changed its mind within 24 hours, and a Mandarin cover of the song, performed by Chinese-American singer Katherine Ho, closes out the film at a pivotal moment.”