Should We Just Accept Bad Spelling?

“Those of us who work in universities are used to reading essays by students who have liberated themselves from the oppressive regime of good grammar and spelling. Some of us still bother to correct misspelled words; others have become tired and indifferent to the problem of poor spelling. Now, an academic has come up with an interesting compromise. Ken Smith, a criminologist at Bucks New University, England, argues that we should chill out and accept the most common spelling mistakes as ‘variant spellings’.”

When Arts Criticism Is Properly Performed

“Good criticism extends the life of a play perhaps not in the number of performances, but by helping to continue the dialogue after the curtain comes down and the actors go home for the night. Good criticism should be a reminder to audiences that theater was interactive millennia before the Internet and that audiences have their own responsibility in this art form, one that goes beyond making sure their check to the box office doesn’t bounce.”

Positive Attitude Improves The Brian

Brain mapping shows that the areas for emotional and executive functions are interconnected physiologically. (Executive function governs our ability to start, stop, plan and execute actions.) Because of that, thinking positively helps to create new connections between neurons in the brain that support motivation and effort — now and in the future. As a basic concept in neuroplasticity states: “Cells that fire together wire together.”