I Had Never Seen “The Simpsons”, The Show That Gave My Generation Its Soul

The Simpsons debuted in 1989, which means millennials have been watching it since elementary school. … The word [‘meh’] is so important to my millennial lexicon that a search of my Gchat history displays ‘1-20 of many,’ yet by age 30 I had never seen a moment of the show that popularized it.” So Megan Greenwell started binge-watching, and got an education …

SoundCloud To Introduce Ads So It Can Pay Musicians

“With 175 million monthly listeners, SoundCloud is the second biggest streaming music service in the world behind YouTube. Yet it hasn’t paid royalties to the creators and rightsholders of that music … Today, SoundCloud is taking its first step [to change that], albeit in a carefully-controlled way with a select group of invited partners in the US for its new ‘On SoundCloud’ initiative.”

One Guy And A Bunch Of Cardboard Boxes Win Edinburgh Fringe Best Play Prize

“A one-man play performed by an illusionist amid a sea of cardboard boxes has won the most coveted theatre prize at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Performance artist Geoff Sobelle’s show [The Object Lesson] will be heading from a tiny room at Summerhall arts centre to the Brooklyn Academy of Music after scooping the prestigious Carol Tambor Award.”