Miami Drags Its Feet On Wealthy Collector’s Self-Funded Museum – Until Getting Publicly Shamed

The museum proposed by hedge fund tycoon Steven Berkowitz – which would house sculptor Richard Serra’s enormous Passage of Time and James Turrell’s light installation Aten Reign – was stalled by local government. Then The Miami Herald wrote, “It’s baffling when an opportunity arises for taxpayers to benefit from the generosity of a wealthy investor and art patron – and the city of Miami acts like it doesn’t care.”

How New Orleans Culture Asserted Itself After Katrina

“When I first got to New Orleans after the flood I was stunned first by just how much had been destroyed, and then later by just how little I knew. I’d been writing about jazz for 20 years. Yet I was profoundly ignorant about what it means to have a living music, one that flows from and embeds everyday life — a functional jazz culture of the sort that once existed in cities throughout the United States but now is exclusive to New Orleans.”

The Most Talked-About Novel In France Is An Algerian Rejoinder To Camus’s ‘The Stranger’

Kamel Daoud’s The Meursault Investigation is told from the point of view of an Algerian named Harun, the younger brother of the Arab man [Camus’s protagonist] Meursault killed. Meursault was a European who killed an Arab. Harun is an Arab who – we learn – killed a European. Harun’s first line? ‘Mama’s still alive today.'”

When The President Makes Playlists

“At a time when so many of our everyday choices get gussied up in the language of ‘curation,’ playlists and d.j.s (particularly celebrity d.j.s) have taken on an elevated role. The playlist has become a kind of biographical shorthand, a way of communicating something essential about ourselves through the performance of taste. Of course, taste and relatability mean something different when they involve someone with drones at his disposal.”