Why Big Data Matters

“Analyzing vast amounts of information puts the commodity of data in a whole new context and infuses it with new meaning: new information is created and benefits not only big business but also society and individual customers. Provided that we are willing to accept its utility – in both material and immaterial respects -, data can help us solve many problems.”

K-Flicks: Korean Cinema Begins Making It Big In The West

“Twenty years ago, South Korean directors dealt with heavy-handed state censorship and worked under protectionist laws, insulating local artists from American competition. But an economic boom in the late 1990s fired up a generation of directors who, like the Hong Kong and Japanese filmmakers before them, have built up global recognition.” GlobalPost introduces four of them.

Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen Talk About Performing On The Stage

“Stewart recalled that in the early days of his “Star Trek” series, when he was in denial about his newfound television success and living above a garage in Hancock Park, he started creating one-person shows to perform on weekends on college campuses in California, so terrified was he of losing his confidence in performing before a live audience.”

Why I Hate Museums

“I can’t claim to have the answers, but I do know I expect a sense of traveling back in time when I visit a museum, of feeling like I was there while these things lived or were used, of feeling the ghosts of the past grab me by the hand and walk me around. Instead I get a sense of a classroom made of cold granite, the only sense of life emerging from the tourists.”